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BF-DC Special Olympic Team wins January School of the Month for the state of Oklahoma.


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Oklahoma Cost Accounting System School District Expenditures.







* Teach students to think logically and creatively,
listen attentively, and express ideas clearly and
correctly to the full extent of their abilities.
* Aid students to become proficient in communication.
* Teach students to think critically and act responsibly.
* Encourage students within the limits of their abilities
to acquire knowledge and skills necessary to
function in today's society.
* Teach an appreciation of the duties,
responsibilities, and privileges of citizenship.
* Encourage participation in youth organizations and activities.
*Recognize differences in students and
provide opportunities in vocational areas
as well as academic fields.
* To develop an understanding of ethical and
moral values as a foundation upon which to
build one's life to be consistent with the ideas of
a true democratic society.
* Encourage a desire for learning.
* Stress that education is never complete.

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This Week's Events

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Current Condition: broken clouds

Temperature: 33.82ËšF

Feels Like: 22.51ËšF

Wind Speeds: 19.48mph

Weather humidity: 75%

Chance of Precipitation: %

Contact Information

Burns Flat-Dill City Public Schools
P.O. Box 129
306 Hwy 44
Burns Flat, Oklahoma 73624

Monday – Friday

7:30 am to 3:30 pm

Phone: 580.562.4844
Fax: 580.562.4847