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Board of Education

School Board Members



We, as the School Board for Burns Flat-Dill City Public Schools, want to express our heartfelt appreciation to every teacher and staff member of our schools.

During a series of meetings in late March and early April, your superintendent, Larry Johnson, listened to your concerns and opinions, then gave you the opportunity to vote on the issue of closing our school and participating in the walkout. Your decision to maintain the orderly operation of our classrooms displayed the dedication to your students that we have always admired in you, as professional educators. Above all else, you truly love and serve the children. And for that, you are to be commended.

Each day of the walkout, you sent delegates to represent your very real and valid dissatisfaction with Oklahoma’s less-than-stellar leadership in education. The School Board and your administration supported those worthy goals and your right to make your voices heard. We were 100% behind you. It seemed that the communities of Burns Flat and Dill City also respected your voice and your needs. Their support for you seemed assured. At the same time, we observed and applauded the dignity and dedication with which you continued to do what you do best—set a good example for the students who look up to you.

We are proud of you. We are pleased with the positive outcomes for schools that resulted from your support of the walkout. We thank you for your role in affecting change without negatively impacting your students. We wish you all the best for the rest of this school year, and we will continue to support you as you pursue the best and most important career there is: Education.

Jimmy Piercey, President
Brian Mooney, Vice-President
Jeffrey Headrick, Clerk
Jill Birdwell, Member
Marva Webb, Member

District Calendar

This Week's Events

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Current Condition: clear sky

Temperature: 19.42ËšF

Feels Like: 10.44ËšF

Wind Speeds: 6.89mph

Weather humidity: 63%

Chance of Precipitation: %

Contact Information

Burns Flat-Dill City Public Schools
P.O. Box 129
306 Hwy 44
Burns Flat, Oklahoma 73624

Monday – Friday

7:30 am to 3:30 pm

Phone: 580.562.4844
Fax: 580.562.4847